Girls coaching session

Position of Football across Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland

Make sure your club know what it can and cannot currently do 

On Friday the Government announced updates to the Local Lockdown across Leicester and Oadby & Wigston. We wanted to make sure footballs position in Leicester was clearly communicated with everyone, inside and outside of these areas. This is especially important as parts of our county do not follow the same set of restrictions as other areas currently experiencing lockdown measures across the country.


Players, Coaches, Referees and Facilities inside the city of Leicester

You are still to follow the governments guidance that was updated on 31 July 2020. The full guidance can be found by clicking here

Below is the extract that relates to Team sports from this guidance:

Playing sport with someone you don’t live with

You can exercise or play sport in groups of up to 6 people from other households, but should only do so where it is possible to maintain a 2 meter gap from those you do not live with. You will be able to play sport outdoors in groups of more than 6 people and without social distancing if they are all from our household or in your support bubble.

People who play team sports can meet to train together and do things like conditioning or fitness sessions but not in groups of more than 6 and you should be 2 meters apart at all times. While groups could practice ball skills like passing and kicking, equipment sharing should be kept to a minimum and strong hand hygiene practices should be in place before and after.

Any equipment that is used should be cleaned frequently. Cleaning should be particularly thorough if equipment is to be used by someone else.

If you are showing coronavirus symptoms, or if you or any of your household, or your support bubble, are self-isolating, you should stay at home – this is critical to staying safe and saving lives.

This guidance takes precedence over any other FA guidance.


Players, Coaches, Referees and Facilities outside of Leicester City (now including Oadby & Wigston)

The FA issued Return to Football Guidance on 17 July with a phased process of returning to playing competitively.

Now that we move into August, Competitive matches can begin in the form of pre-season friendlies. This however, should only happen once clubs and facility providers have completed the necessary risk assessments and comprehensive plans are put in place.  

Please be mindful that if you have players, coaches, officials or a facility that resides in the City of Leicester, they should follow the above guidance and not be taking part until advised otherwise by the government.

Clubs, players, coaches, match officials, league officials, volunteers, parents/carers, spectators and football facility providers should read the full guidelines, in addition to the latest Government guidance on COVID-19.


We hope this provides you with some clarity on your current position and what activities you can / cannot undertake at this moment in time. We also appreciate and understand this may cause some upset for those participants effected within the Leicester City boundaries who are most effected during this difficult period. We are conscious of that and as a County FA will do what we can to support those effected in a safe return to football. If you have any questions, please direct them to