Club Engagement Survey
Here at the Leicestershire & Rutland County FA, we understand that recent seasons have thrown up many unexpected challenges for our clubs, both on and off the pitch, and for some these challenges may have had an impact on club priorities and therefore the support required from the County
We therefore are undertaking a period of consultation with clubs to gauge views and opinions on the type of support that can, or should, be provided on a local level to help clubs achieve their ambitions as they move forwards and kick on in their journey.
To kick start this consultation, we are asking clubs to complete our short Club Engagement Survey by Sunday 20th February, the results of which will help shape plans locally. This survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete
The link to the survey can be found here
We thank clubs in advance for completing this survey. We really do value the views and opinions of our clubs, all of which will be taken on board as we develop our support for clubs moving forwards.